Internship with TXON and completion of tasks including HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Task 01 comprises of a landing page created using basic HTML and CSS. I have used external CSS here and thus there is a seperate CSS file in the repository. The page here has been divided into header, footer and body.
Task 02 involves creating a simple calculator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are three files ie. HTML file, CSS file and the JavaScript file respectively. The calculator can perform basic operations like addition, multiplicaton, division, substraction. It also consists of a clear screen button and calculate(=) button respectively.
Task 03 involves a To-do list app using basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are three files ie. HTML file, CSS file and the JavaScript file respectively. The To-do list app consists of three filters ie. All, Pending and Completed respectively. There is also a clear button and a input box where you enter your task.
Task 04 involves my portfolio website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are three files ie. HTML file, CSS file and the JavaScript file respectively. The portfolio website consists of Header, About, Skills, Contact sections respectively. The JavaScript file consists of jQuery statements for text animation and other scripting actions.